A conversation with Aleksejs Kaņējevs, ALTUM, on the energy efficiency programmes for multi-apartment buildings in Latvia.
A conversation with Aleksejs Kaņējevs, ALTUM, on the energy efficiency programmes for multi-apartment buildings in Latvia.
At a time when affordable housing has become a critical issue across Europe, an innovative ERDF-backed financial instrument in Slovakia is making a real difference.
Nestled in the scenic Pomorskie Voivodeship on Poland’s Baltic coast, a pioneering regional public financial institution has been successfully promoting investments in renewable energy sources (RES). The history of Pomorski Fundusz Pożyczkowy (PFP, Pomorskie Loan Fund) dates back to 2004, the year Poland joined the EU.
Stay Fit Gym – an enterprise promoting physical training, mental health and sustainability in Romania, received support and funding from Morphosis Capital, under an ERDF financial instrument.
SIH joined forces with Slovenská sporiteľňa to address the lack of affordable and social housing in Slovakia, leveraging public resources to make more than 350 rental apartments available for over 600 people across the country.
ERDF financial instruments boost the competitiveness of Italian enterprises, bolstering their resilience and growth.
Thanks to the EERE Malta financial instrument powered by ERDF resources, Fonicom has successfully managed to reduce its energy consumption, thereby minimising its environmental footprint.
With the support of ERDF equity financial instruments, Development Finance Institution ALTUM, is supporting some of the country’s highest growth start-ups to foster investments in innovation
Through ESIF financial instruments, HAMAG-BICRO, the Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments facilitates access to finance for entrepreneurs through all development stages of their business.
Read more stories of EU shared management financial instruments and the projects they supported in this page dedicated to the FI Campus Showcase.