
República Portuguesa

Portugal facts & figures

Total active financial instruments (2014-2020) 30 2 1 n/a 1
Total contributions to financial instruments (€ million) 875.31 62.29 20.07 n/a 20.11

Data from before 01.01.2022

Source: Cohesion Policy Open Data Platform

Portugal financial instruments


Thematic objective


In focus

Portugal (map)

IFRRU 2020: A second life for Portugal’s historical landmarks

2 February 2023

The ERDF powered IFRRU 2020 financial instrument focuses on urban rehabilitation and revitalisation. By the end of 2022, 440 buildings were renovated thanks to the financial support of IFRRU, generating new jobs and making Portuguese cities more green, sustainable and energy efficient.

Academia de codigo

Portugal: ESF Social Impact Bond for coding bootcamps

29 October 2021

Backed by a EUR 723 500 investment from the Portugal Social Innovation Social Impact Bond and private investors, Academia de Código bootcamps have enabled dozens of unemployed people to find a coding job in just 14 weeks!

Knok Care hero

Fresh air for Portugal’s healthcare

16 May 2021

Knok Care is helping ease the pressure on hospitals in difficult times, thanks to its video based technology for medical consultations.

Backed by a EUR 1 437 500 equity investment from the ESF financial instrument, this innovative company helps people patients to find doctors nearby and receive medical care without leaving the comfort of their homes.