
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

Netherlands facts & figures

Total active financial instruments (2014-2020) 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Total contributions to financial instruments (€ million) 184.54 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Data from before 01.01.2022

Source: Cohesion Policy Open Data Platform

Netherlands financial instruments


Thematic objective


In focus

Monica Melton

A helping hand to a passionate entrepreneur

13 December 2023

Thanks to the project ‘Entrepreneurial Training Programme for migrants’ Jeffrey Msamala, a 34-year-old man originally from Zimbabwe, could build a valuable network and move forward his water sanitation company in the Netherlands. 

Financial instruments in action - renewable energy transition, Hague, The Netherlands

Scaling up ERDF financial instruments to support the Energy Transition in The Hague, Netherlands

10 November 2020

“Just do it”, is Ton Overmeire of The City of The Hague’s response when asked if he has any advice to cities and managing authorities thinking about using financial instruments to invest Eu

The Hague

Energy transition in The Hague

8 November 2020

’Just do it’ says Ton Overmeire, City of The Hague, when asked if he has any advice for cities and managing authorities thinking about using financial instruments to support the energy transition.