
Repubblica Italiana

Italy facts & figures

Total active financial instruments (2014-2020) 103 10 10 n/a n/a
Total contributions to financial instruments (€ million) 5 857.92 245.50 122.30 n/a n/a

Data from before 01.01.2022

Source: Cohesion Policy Open Data Platform

Italy financial instruments


Thematic objective


In focus


Smart & Start Italia: Bolstering innovation through tech

4 June 2024

ERDF financial instruments boost the competitiveness of Italian enterprises, bolstering their resilience and growth.


New ESF+ study investigates potential for Worker Buyouts

24 April 2024

The EU Commission and the EIB have been working towards supporting worker buyouts through advanced talks on the topic as well as a new ESF+ fi-compass study with a special focus on four European countries: France, Italy, Spain and Slovenia. Initiated in cooperation with DG EMPL, the study is set to explore innovative models of financial instruments for preserving jobs and skills in the EU workforce.

Credit Fund Lombardy supports the agri-food chain

Credit Fund Lombardy supports the agri-food chain

13 July 2023

Implemented in 2017, the EAFRD Credit Fund Lombardy, a grant combination financial instrument made access to finance easier for agri-food companies while improving primary producers’ integration in the agri-food chain.