SIH: Fostering integration through affordable housing

SIH joined forces with Slovenská sporiteľňa to address the lack of affordable and social housing in Slovakia, leveraging public resources to make more than 350 rental apartments available for over 600 people across the country. The affordable housing programme promoted by Dostupný Domov targets vulnerable groups, including the elderly, victims of domestic violence and the homeless.

Watch this video testimonial to find out more about how financial instruments can help improve living conditions and promote social inclusion, by ensuring cooperation between governmental institutions, private sector entities, non-profit organisations and local communities.

Video file
Submitting organisation: 
Slovak Investment Holding

Type of authority: 
Holding Fund Manager

Financial instrument name: 
Affordable Housing
Funding source: 

Type of financial product: 

Financial size:
EUR 50 000 000 of which 25 000 000 Public Sources (ERDF + State Budget)