

fi-compass Showcase 2019 Award
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Knowledge Hub
The fi-compass Knowledge Hub – State aid
ESF Lisbon event
Social innovation workshop held in Lisbon
Jonathan Dennes
Financial instruments: a smarter use of EU resources
miur thumbnail
MIUR – Investing in innovative companies in Southern Italy
fi-compass MRA RICE project on the potential for urban development financial instruments featured in DG REGIO’s Panorama Magazine
Report on Financial Instruments co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds
fi-compass Showcase 2019 submission – read the English language summary of the Report on ESIF financial instruments from Italy
fi-compass Showcase 2019 submission – watch a video story from Northern Ireland: ‘Neurovalens’
IFRRU 2020
fi-compass Showcase 2019 submission – watch a video story from Portugal: ‘IFRRU 2020’
Bucharest video thumbnail
Fifth annual EU conference on EAFRD financial instruments for agriculture and rural development