Technical assistance for the EU's microfinance sector

Technical assistance for the EU's microfinance sector

Outcomes from the EaSI TA component of fi-compass have recently included capacity building workshops and the release of a new video. Our new EaSI TA video is introduced by the European Commission's Ann Branch (Head of the Job Creation Unit at DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) who explains that the film "shows how the European Union is helping the European microfinance sector by providing technical assistance. This includes offering tailored capacity building services to European microcredit providers through a range of tools which help to spread good practices and improve the performance of the sector. The aim is to improve the quality and quantity of microfinance services that are available. The film features some of Europe's microcredit providers who have benefited from the fi-compass EaSI TA services."

Microcredit providers speaking in the film were recorded during an EaSI TA workshop earlier this year from Venice. Such EaSI TA events continue to be organised by fi-compass including three EaSI TA workshops which took place in Portugal in late November. These focused on raising awareness about opportunities from the EaSI Programme, EaSI Technical Assistance, and EaSI Financial Instruments. Best practice experiences from EU microfinance institutions (MFIs) were also shared during the workshops, and information was provided about regulatory considerations for the microfinance industry in Portugal.

Other recent EaSI TA activity from fi-compass has included a case study workshop in the Netherlands and two seminars in Romania. The Dutch case study event was designed to showcase good practices in microfinance management from the Qredits MFI. Practical and first-hand experiences were provided by Qredits to highlight their approach regarding strategy and business models for MFIs as well as explain innovative techniques for offering complementary business development services (BDS) alongside microcredit.

Our first EaSI TA seminar in Romania was designed to raise awareness about risk management for MFIs. It reflected interest in this topic from the country's credit unions and involved peer-learning through exchanges of best practices by Patria Bank and the European Investment Fund. The second event fi-compass organised in Romania was a seminar, which focused on innovation in product development and distribution channels, including digital methods for MFIs with clients in rural regions.

See the latest EaSI TA newsletter for further information about technical assistance from fi-compass for the EU's microfinance sector.