
Articles on how financial instruments are being implemented on the ground

Turning adversity into opportunity
13 July 2023
Turning adversity into opportunity

Every migrant's journey is unique, and Viviana Santana's story is no exception. In 2020, Viviana, a 38-year-old lawyer, along with her family, settled in Spain and successfully launched a cleaning business. 

Greece , Spain
Sewing thread
4 July 2023
The perfect fit

Thanks to a EUR 17 895 microfinance loan backed by SIS Credit under the ESF financial instrument, Stelian Radovenski and Lazar Lazarov founded Made Right, a profitable business specialising in the production of quality shirts for men in Pleven, the third largest city in Northern Bulgaria.

6 April 2023
A driving force for change

Thanks to the i-Run by BFC financing solution, Emmanuel Lear was able to change his career path, retrain, and open the very first open-air karting track in St Pierre, La Réunion. And the cherry on top: Mr. Lear’s go-kart business uses thermal and electric karts.

The sweet taste of berries
13 April 2023
The sweet taste of success

The financial backing of the EAFRD risk-sharing financial instrument has helped Valentin Verzea, a former banker, make his farm in Southern Romania profitable.

With 13.5 hectares in production, he was able to deliver 90 tons of premium raspberries in 2022 to major supermarket chains in Romania.

03 April 2023
HUB2 boosts digital banking in Africa

Thanks to a EUR 1.25 million equity investment from ESSOR PME La Réunion, HUB2, a Reunionese based SME was able to develop an Application Programming Interface enabling interoperability between mobile money wallets in Western Africa and answer the huge demand for more connectivity in mobile banking and banking systems in Africa.

Showcase 2023
15 March 2023
FI Campus Showcase 2023
A unique opportunity to share and promote your financial instrument success stories within the fi-compass community. Congratulations to our Showcase 2023 winners who took home the trophy at the FI Campus event on the 15 March and a round of applause for all our other submissions.
All EU
Southern Bulgaria and Sofia (Bulgaria)
2 February 2023
Sustainable Cities Fund: Future proofing cities in Bulgaria

Over the past four years, the Sustainable Cities Fund has financed more than 70 projects in Bulgaria thanks to ERDF financial instruments. From the restoration of schools, markets and theatres, to the renovation of parks, the Fund is helping cities thrive and become more sustainable. The Sustainable Cities Fund’s mission is to foster economic and urban development in Bulgaria, making the most of EU and National resources through financial instruments.
