An interview with Afrodisio Miguel Alcalde Domínguez, Manager of the Agricultural Division, Unicaja, Salamanca to find out more about how this instrument helped support farmers and agri-businesses in Spain.
An interview with Afrodisio Miguel Alcalde Domínguez, Manager of the Agricultural Division, Unicaja, Salamanca to find out more about how this instrument helped support farmers and agri-businesses in Spain.
Thanks to the Alter’NA EAFRD guarantee instrument, Héloïse Brunel and her husband Olivier were able to set up as first-generation farmers, after professional retraining.
Thanks to the financial backing of the Micro and small loans for rural development 2014-2020, Ivica Babojelić, a young farmer growing organic berries in Samobor, West of Zagreb, could kickstart his project and transform his mother’s plot of land into a flourishing family farm.
Implemented in 2017, the EAFRD Credit Fund Lombardy, a grant combination financial instrument made access to finance easier for agri-food companies while improving primary producers’ integration in the agri-food chain.
The financial backing of the EAFRD risk-sharing financial instrument has helped Valentin Verzea, a former banker, make his farm in Southern Romania profitable.
With 13.5 hectares in production, he was able to deliver 90 tons of premium raspberries in 2022 to major supermarket chains in Romania.
The fi-compass team is happy to invite you to its first fully in person FI-Campus event since the pandemic. The 2023 edition will take place in Brussels from Monday, 13 March until Wednesday, 15 March 2023 and shed light on the opportunities offered by financial instruments as EU citizens and businesses face challenging economic times ahead.
With the financial backing of a Friuli-Venezia Giulia EAFRD financial instrument loan, the Paulitti family were able to turn their floriculture company into a successful organic spirulina business.
After a brief hiatus, the fi-compass team is happy to announce the return of the Showcase Award 2023! Could you be the winner waiting in the wings to raise the Showcase trophy high at our upcoming FI Campus event?
Read more stories of EU shared management financial instruments and the projects they supported in this page dedicated to the FI Campus Showcase.