fi-compass Showcase 2019 submission – watch a video story from Spain: ‘Pukas Surf’

Watch time: 2.5 mins

This ‘fi-compass Showcase 2019’ submission is a video story about Pukas Surf, a small company from San Sebastián, Spain. This company received a loan under the SME Initiative in Spain. Pukas Surf is a family business manufacturing surf boards. The company exists already for 45 years and since then extended its activity to further fields such as surf courses and swim wear production. Adur Letamendia from Pukas Surf explains in this video the business vision of the company and the challenges of securing financing for a company representing a niche in the leisure sector: “We as a company need to grow, and we need to grow because we want a better workplace, we want a better product. We want better athletes, and we need to invest to achieve that.”