fi-compass Showcase 2019 submission – watch a video story from the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy: CIDAS

Watch time: 1.5 mins

This ‘fi-compass Showcase 2019’ submission is a video story about CIDAS, a social cooperative operative in four regions in Italy. The cooperative provides social services for elderly people and people with disabilities. It is also active in fields such as minors integration and reception of migrants, social integration and labour market inclusion. With help of the financial support of Emilia-Romagna region’s Energy Fund, the CIDAS nursing home in Ferrara in the Emilia-Romagna region purchased a micro-cogeneration plant with the objective to make this facility with the capacity of 186 elderly people more energy efficient. The Energy Fund is a financial instrument co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and part of Emilia-Romagna ERDF ROP 2014-2020. In this video, Mr Marcello, the Facility Manager of CIDAS, explains in detail how the facility’s heating and lighting were modernised with the help of the new micro-cogeneration plant and states: “All activities mentioned make part of the company’s philosophy of continuous improvement and greater attention to the consumption, the environment and the life quality of our residents.”