1. Ms Oana Neagu

    Ms Oana Neagu, Director General Affairs, COPA – COGECA

  2. Mr Alessandro Gargani

    Mr Alessandro Gargani, European Investment Fund

  3. Mr Frank Lee

    Mr Frank Lee, Head of Financial Instruments Advisory Division, European Investment Bank

  4. Mr Marko Gorban

    Mr Marko Gorban, Deputy Secretary General for Agricultural and Rural Life Policies, Ministry of Rural Affairs, Estonian Presidency…

  5. Ms Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann

    Ms Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann, Director, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

  6. Mr Alessandro Gargani, Mr Marko Gorban, Mr Frank Lee, Ms Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann, and Ms Cathy Smith

    Mr Alessandro Gargani, European Investment Fund; Mr Marko Gorban, Deputy Secretary General for Agricultural and Rural Life Policie…

  7. Mr Michael Pielke, Mr Alessandro Gargani, Ms Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann, Mr Frank Lee, and Mr Marko Gorban

    Mr Michael Pielke, Head of Unit, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission; Mr Alessandro Gargani, European Invest…

  8. Ms Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann, Director, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

  9. Dr Nivelin Noev, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

  10. Mr Mario Guido, European Investment Bank

  11. Mr Bernd Schuh, OIR, Austria

  12. Ms Laure Blanchard-Brunac, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission

  13. Ms Tanja Gorišek, managing authority, Slovenia

  14. Mr Mauro Trapani, Director for Economic and Rural Development, Regione Veneto, Italy

  15. Mr Giuseppe Pan, Regional Minister for Agriculture and Fishery, Regione Veneto, Italy

  16. Mr Michael Pielke, Head of Unit, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

  17. Mr Jarmo Liiver, Head of Enterprise division, KredEx, Estonia

  18. Mr Madis Reinup, Member of the Board, Rural Development Foundation, Estonia

  19. Mr Richard Tomingas, Forestplanter OÜ, Estonia

  20. Ms Katrin Noorkõiv, Luha Lihatööstus OÜ, Estonia

  21. Ms Merle Saaliste, Ministry of Rural Affairs, Estonia