1. Ms Aleksandra Dmitruk

    Ms Aleksandra Dmitruk, Deputy Director, European Social Fund Department, Ministry of Economic Development, Poland

  2. Case Study presentation (ESF): Social entrepreneurship and social inclusion: ‘National Fund for Social Entrepreneurship, Poland’

    Mr Ando Siitam, European Investment Bank; Ms Aleksandra Dmitruk, Deputy Director, European Social Fund Department, Ministry of Eco…

  3. Event participants

  4. Mr Desmond Gardner

    Mr Desmond Gardner, European Investment Bank

  5. Mr Ton Overmeire

    Mr Ton Overmeire, Fund Manager, Holding Fund HEID, Municipality The Hague, the Netherlands

  6. Mr Piotr Skiba

    Mr Piotr Skiba, Local Fund and Structuring Officer, European Investment Bank

  7. Case study presentation: Urban Development

    Mr Piotr Skiba, Local Fund and Structuring Officer, European Investment Bank; Mr Desmond Gardner, European Investment Bank; Mr Ton…

  8. Event participant

  9. Event participant

  10. Mr Rafael Lopez Sanchez

    Mr Rafael Lopez Sanchez, Deputy Head of Unit C.1 ‘Audit Co-ordination, relations with the Court of Auditors and OLAF’, DG REGIO, E…

  11. Event overview

  12. FI Campus guidance: Management verifications and audit

  13. Voting tool results during FI Campus

  14. Mr Andreas Beutel, Ms Heike Gerhardt-Leissring

    Mr Andreas Beutel, Manager for Economic Development, Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society, State of Thuringia, Germa…

  15. Event participant

  16. Event participant

  17. Event participant

  18. Case Study presentation: Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs: Financial Instruments in Thuringia, Germany

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank; Mr Andreas Beutel, Manager for Economic Development, Ministry of Ec…

  19. Event participants

  20. Event participants

  21. Ms Heike Gerhardt-Leissring

    Ms Heike Gerhardt-Leissring, Consultant for product support and product development, Development Bank of the State of Thuringia, G…