Home / Content / 2018
  1. Dr Györgyi Nyikos

    Dr Györgyi Nyikos, Director of EU Competence Center Directorate, Hungarian Development Bank

  2. Mr Bruno Robino, Dr Szabó János Zoltán

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank; Dr Szabó János Zoltán, Ministry of Human Resources, Hungary

  3. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  4. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  5. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  6. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  7. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  8. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  9. Event participants

  10. Ms Lilia Stoyanovich

    Ms Lilia Stoyanovich, Managing authority, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria

  11. Event participants

  12. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

    Mr Jader Cané, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission; Mr Andrea Da Pozzo, DG Employment, Social Affairs…

  13. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  14. Mr Dimitar Cherkezov

    Mr Dimitar Cherkezov, Head of Unit, EU Operational Programmes, Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria (FMFIB)

  15. Mr Bruno Robino, Ms Lilia Stoyanovich

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank; Ms Lilia Stoyanovich, Managing authority, Ministry of Labour and So…

  16. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  17. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  18. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  19. Mr Luca Galassi

    Mr Luca Galassi, Managing authority of the ESF Regional OP, Sardinia, Italy

  20. Event participants

  21. Mr Bruno Robino, Mr Luca Galassi

    Mr Bruno Robino, head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank, Mr Luca Galassi, Managing authority of the ESF Regional OP, Sardini…