Home / Content / 2018
  1. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  2. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  3. Mr Robert Pernetta

    Mr Robert Pernetta, European Investment Bank

  4. Mr Nivelin Noev

    Mr Nivelin Noev, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

  5. Mr Dariusz Nieć - Welcome speech

    Mr Dariusz Nieć, Director for Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland

  6. Ms Szilvia Bencze, Mr Nivelin Noev, Mr Dariusz Nieć, Mr Robert Pernetta, Mr Mario Guido, Ms Anna Zurek

    Ms Szilvia Bencze, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission, Mr Nivelin Noev, DG Agriculture and Rural Developmen…

  7. Event overview

  8. Event overview

  9. Event participants

  10. Event participants

  11. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  12. Event participants

  13. Mr Gianluca Palermo

    Mr Gianluca Palermo, European Investment Fund

  14. Mr Bruno Robino

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank

  15. Mr Andrea Da Pozzo

    Mr Andrea Da Pozzo, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

  16. Event participants

  17. Dr Szabó János Zoltán

    Dr Szabó János Zoltán, Ministry of Human Resources, Hungary

  18. Event participants

  19. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  20. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  21. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion