Home / Content / 2018
  1. Mr Bruno Robino

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank

  2. Mr Bruno Robino, Mr Alessandro Apa, Mr Maurizio Guglierlmini, Mr r Paolo Proietti

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, Mr Alessandro Apa, Senior Fund & Structuring Officer, European Investment Bank, Mr Maurizio G…

  3. Ms Cathy Smith, Mr Frank Lee

    Ms Cathy Smith, fi-compass expert, Mr Frank Lee, Head of Division – Financial Instruments Advisory, European Investment Bank

  4. Event overview

  5. Networking material

  6. Networking material

  7. Networking material

  8. Event materials

  9. Event participants selecting fi-compass publications

  10. Event participant selecting fi-compass publications

  11. Event participants selecting fi-compass publications

  12. Event participants selecting fi-compass publications

  13. Mr Maurizio Guglielmini and event participant

    Mr Maurizio Guglielmini, Key Financial Manager, RIF team, Equiter, Italy

  14. Mr Alessandro Apa, Mr Maurizio Guglielmini, Ms Miglena Dobreva and event participants

    Mr Alessandro Apa, Senior Fund & Structuring Officer, European Investment Bank, Mr Maurizio Guglielmini, Key Financial Manager, RI…

  15. Mr Mindaugas Rudys, Mr Frank Lee, Ms Junona Bumelytè

    Mr Mindaugas Rudys, Director of Department of Financial Services, Siauliu Bankas, Mr Frank Lee, Head of Division – Financial Instr…

  16. Event participants

  17. Event participants

  18. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  19. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  20. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  21. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion