Home / Content / 2018 / March
  1. Participants working in groups on brainteasers

  2. Participants working in groups on brainteasers

  3. Participants working in groups on brainteasers

  4. Mr Bruno Robino

    Mr Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass, European Investment Bank

  5. Ms Laura Catana, Mr Adriano Pallaro, Mr Oliver Gajda, Mr Luk Zelderloo, Mr Bruno Robino

    Ms Laura Catana, Ashoka, Romania; Mr Adriano Pallaro, Responsible for international funding and member of the General Management o…

  6. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

    Mr François de Borchgrave, KOIS Invest, Belgium; Mr Mika Pyykkö, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra

  7. Q&A and peer-to-peer discussion

  8. Mr François de Borchgrave

    Mr François de Borchgrave, KOIS Invest, Belgium

  9. Mr Mika Pyykkö

    Mr Mika Pyykkö, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra

  10. Mr Tomas Bokström

    Mr Tomas Bokström, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

  11. Mr Frank Lee

    Mr Frank Lee, Head of Financial Instruments Division, European Investment Bank

  12. Mr François de Borchgrave, Mr Mika Pyykkö, Mr Tomas Bokström, Mr Frank Lee

    Mr François de Borchgrave, KOIS Invest, Belgium; Mr Mika Pyykkö, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra; Mr Tomas Bokström, RISE Resear…

  13. Event overview

  14. Mr Ulrich Grabenwarter

    Mr Ulrich Grabenwarter, Deputy Director, Equity Investment, European Investment Fund

  15. Mr Simon Barnes

    Mr Simon Barnes, Director of Advisory Department, European Investment Bank

  16. Mr Luis Fau Sebastian

    Mr Luis Fau Sebastian, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission

  17. Mr Krzysztof Balon

    Mr Krzysztof Balon, Vice-President, Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship, European Economic and Social Committee…

  18. Ms Andriana Sukova

    Ms Andriana Sukova, Deputy-Director General, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

  19. Mr Luis Fau Sebastian, Mr Krzysztof Balon, Mr Simon Barnes, Mr Ulrich Grabenwarter, Ms Andriana Sukova

    Mr Luis Fau Sebastian, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission; Mr Krzysztof Balon, Vice-Presi…

  20. Event participants

  21. Ms Marianne Thyssen, Mr Georgi Pirinski

    Ms Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility; Mr Georgi Pirinski, Member…