Home / Content / 2018 / January
  1. Mr Andres Penuela Jimenez

    Mr Andres Penuela Jimenez, Expert on Public Procurement, Legal Affairs Unit, DG REGIO, European Commission

  2. Ms Oana Dordain

    Ms Oana Dordain, Policy Officer, Financial Instruments and relations with International Financial Institutions Unit, DG REGIO, Eur…

  3. EC Guidance presentation: Implementation options and selection

    Ms Oana Dordain, Policy Officer, Financial Instruments and relations with International Financial Institutions Unit, DG REGIO, Eur…

  4. Ms Hanna Dudka

    Ms Hanna Dudka, Policy Analyst, Financial Instruments and relations with International Financial Institutions Unit, DG REGIO, Euro…

  5. Event participant

  6. Event participant

  7. Event participant

  8. Event participants

  9. Event participants

  10. Ms Eglé Striungyté

    Ms Eglé Striungyté, Policy Officer, State aid Policy and Case support Unit, DG COMP, European Commission

  11. Mr Stefan Appel

    Mr Stefan Appel, Head of Financial Instruments and relations with International Financial Institutions Unit, DG REGIO, European Co…

  12. Event overview

  13. Event overview

  14. Mr Stefan Mathesius

    Mr Stefan Mathesius, Head of Financial Instruments, Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency, Spain

  15. Mr Martin Polónyi, Mr Patrick Fenech

    Mr Martin Polónyi, Director of the Financial Instruments and International Institutions Unit, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Re…

  16. Mr Stefan Mathesius, Mr Martin Polónyi, Mr Patrick Fenech, Mr Stefan Appel

    Mr Stefan Mathesius, Head of Financial Instruments, Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency, Spain Mr Martin Polónyi, Directo…

  17. Plenary session on ESIF financial instruments in 2014-2020 programming period

    Ms Jacki Davis, Moderator; Mr Stefan Appel, Head of Financial Instruments and International Financial Institutions Relations Unit,…

  18. Mr Stefan Appel

    Mr Stefan Appel, Head of Financial Instruments and relations with International Financial Institutions Unit, DG REGIO, European Co…

  19. Mr Simon Barnes

    Mr Simon Barnes, Director of Advisory Services Department, European Investment Bank

  20. Mr Eric von Breska

    Mr Eric von Breska, Director of the Policy Directorate, DG REGIO, European Commission

  21. Ms Jacki Davis

    Ms Jacki Davis, Moderator