
Exploring the scope of European Social Fund financial instruments October saw the fi‑compass advisory services for European Social Fund (ESF) financial instruments focus on opportunities for 'social banking' as well as the importance of capacity building services (CBS) for ESF final recipients and managing authorities.
Madrid was the location for a fi-compass ESF workshop in early October that raised awareness about our fi‑compass CBS and provided advice about managing life cycle stages of ESF financial instruments.
The role of social financial intermediaries in the set-up of national or regional level ESF financial instrument products was main topic for discussion during an ESF event organised last month in Brussels.
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Lithuanian financial instrument invests in energy efficiency for buildings Lithuania's financial instrument promoting energy efficiency in apartment buildings has been featured as an interesting case study at fi‑compass events, and we went to speak to some of the people involved to find out more about this innovative way of using the European Regional Development Fund.
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Estonian success stories with financial instruments Estonia holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union from July to December during 2017 and fi-compass has been speaking to some of the key actors involved with Estonian financial instruments to find out more about their perspectives. Estonia is one of the first Member States to have fully functional financial instruments contributing to all three of the objectives of EU policies for regional development, agriculture, and fisheries.
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 Survey about fi-compass
We are conducting a survey about the fi-compass advisory services through a short online questionnaire and we would be very grateful if you can share your points of view with fi-compass at mid-term and help shape activities during the remainder of the 2014-2020 programming period.
Completing the full survey takes around 10 minutes.
Your responses are completely confidential and we would highly appreciate if you could give us your feedback by clicking here.

Advancing with financial instruments for agriculture and rural development Over 200 delegates from 25 Member States gathered in Paris on 10 October for the third high-level annual fi‑compass conference on financial instruments using the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The conference aimed to take stock of progress made so far and raise further awareness about how financial instruments can help deliver on EAFRD objectives, especially in the fields of agriculture, agri-food, forestry and rural entrepreneurship. It was opened by Phil Hogan, the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development who confirmed the role and place that financial instruments must have for agriculture, agri-food and for boosting growth and employment in rural economies.
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Technical assistance for the EU's microfinance sector Outcomes from the EaSI TA component of fi‑compass have recently included capacity building workshops and the release of a new video.Our new EaSI TA video is introduced by the European Commission's Ann Branch (Head of the Job Creation Unit at DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) who explains that the film "shows how the European Union is helping the European microfinance sector by providing technical assistance."
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Financial instrument opportunities for Finland Finland was the location of the fi‑compass event ‘ESIF financial instruments in the 2014-2020 programming period – Opportunities for Finnish regions’ organised during September in the city of Kuopio.
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 Festive footnote
Everyone from the fi-compass team would like to wish all of our 4400 subscribers to the Beacon newsletter a very enjoyable festive season and a successful New Year.
We are planning for another productive year in 2018 which will build on our results to date. These have already led to 5800 participants registering for more than 50 fi-compass events from all around the EU, as well as nearly 600 000 page views on our website and over 83 000 downloads of advisory information from fi-compass about Member States' advances with financial instruments.
Merry Christmas from fi-compass