Have your say – European Commission consultation on ‘Do No Significant Harm’

The European Commission has announced a new consultation on the application of the 'Do No Significant Harm' (DNSH) principle, within the framework of the Social Climate Fund. This initiative invites practitioners to share their experiences and feedback on implementing DNSH in their operations, particularly in relation to financial instruments.

The consultation aims to gather insights and practical knowledge from professionals to help shape effective policies and practices that align with the DNSH principle. The European Commission emphasises the importance of this feedback in ensuring that financial activities do not adversely impact environmental and social objectives.

fi-compass practitioners are strongly encouraged to participate and contribute their expertise to this significant consultation process. The deadline for submissions is 13 August 2024.

For more details and to access the consultation page, visit: Consultation on the application of the “DNSH” principle under the Social Climate Fund - European Commission (europa.eu).