ESF financial instruments in action

fi-compass and European Commission - DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion invite you to participate in the “ESF Financial Instruments in action” communication campaign for which we will create a promotional video showcasing the impact of ESF financial instruments across various EU countries.
We encourage ESF managing authorities to get in contact with final recipients who benefited from ESF financial instruments and request that they film themselves and their businesses.
In a max 3-minute long video, they should explain how the support received from ESF financial instruments has helped them grow and expand their activity, possibly answering these questions:
- Introduce yourself and your business
- What type of support did you receive from the ESF financial instruments?
- How did this support help you develop your project?
Here are a couple of tips on how to film for this campaign:
- Please record yourself using your phone in landscape mode (horizontal). You are also invited to show us your business premises and daily activities in the video, always filmed in landscape mode.
- When answering, please remember to use a very easy to understand language, as if you were talking to a family member/ friend who knows nothing about the project. Feel free to answer in your native language, if you do not feel comfortable answering in English.
- Make sure that you have a clear and well-lit background.
Once you’re happy with your video, send it to us via Dropbox or Wetransfer by using the following email address:
You can also send us existing video material and/or other marketing videos to complement your story. If you have questions, send us an email at the same address – we will endeavour to answer to your query as soon as possible.
The deadline to send us your contributions is 15 June 2021.