fi-compass EAFRD country specific webinars on financial needs in the agriculture and agri-food sectors


On 16 September 2020, the European Commission – Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched a series of country specific webinars on the ‘Financial needs in the agriculture and agri-food sectors’.

The webinars aimed to further raise awareness on the results of the recently published fi-compass country-specific reports on financing needs in agriculture and agri-food sectors in 24 EU Member states.

The reports provide practitioners with a comprehensive package of information to enable them to enhance their use of EAFRD financial instruments in their 2021-2027 CAP Strategic plans.

Three webinars have taken took place so far featuring the financing of agriculture and agri-food sectors in the Baltics (16 September), Austria and in the Czech Republic (6 October) and Spain (16 October).

The presentations and discussions revealed that the two sectors are generally subject to higher interest rates, unfavourable conditions and insufficient flexibility in lending and repayment conditions.