Three new studies for ERDF financial instruments

Three new fi-compass studies have been published that are designed to support ERDF managing authorities and their partners preparing proposals for financial instruments under their 2021-2027 Operational Programmes.
The report ‘Gap analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises financing in the European Union’ provides insights on financing gaps and market failures relating to SME financing in all EU Member States and identifies the potential of financial instruments to address those financing needs. With detailed analysis of data of both equity and debt financing gaps in all 27 Member States, the report will provide a valuable evidence base for Member States assessing whether and how to use financial instruments in this sector in the 2021-2027 programming period.
Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) are contractual arrangements typically between a building owner and an energy service company (‘ESCO’), where the ESCO invests in energy efficiency measures and guarantees energy savings over the duration of the contract. This report describes the key features and advantages of EPC and how ESIF financial instruments can help scale-up the market in the future.
The fi-compass ‘Stocktaking study on financial instruments by sector’ focuses on five key sectors in which financial instruments have been under-utilised in the 2014-2020 programming period. Those key sectors are: Renewable Energy, Urban Development and Transport, Environment, Information and Communications Technology Infrastructure and Research, Development and Innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises. The report sheds light on the reasons why ESIF financial instruments were under-used and identifies potential investment opportunities for the 2021-2027 programming period.