The fi-compass Country Data Pages – Showcasing your ESIF financial instruments

fi-compass stakeholders now have a new tool to share and explore information about ESIF financial instruments in each Member State, the fi-compass Country Data Pages.
Launched and road-tested by participants at FI Campus 2018, the Country Data Pages provide a unique one-stop-shop for the fi-compass material for each country. As well as details of a Member State’s individual financial instruments, publications, events, videos and news articles, the Country Data Pages can include contributions and additional material provided by local stakeholders. As a hub of information for ESIF financial instruments, the Country Data Pages are designed to enhance peer-to-peer interaction to support the further development of financial instruments in 2014-2020.
Facts and figures, news and features
For every Member State, the Country Data Page shows the number of active financial instruments set up in the current programming period. The amounts committed to the financial instruments are also shown. The information is based on the data available on the Cohesion Policy Open Data Platform and is updated annually when the data is released.
In addition, the 'Features' section offers a noticeboard for stakeholders to contribute news about their own financial instruments alongside related articles and news from the fi-compass website. Importantly, this new feature gives practitioners from the different Member States the opportunity to showcase their activities, raising the profile of their success stories and fostering greater peer-to-peer exchange of information.
Individual country financial instruments
Another feature of this new fi-compass tool is a section containing details of the financial instruments set up in each Member State. By clicking on the name of a financial instrument in the list on the Country Data Page, relevant details appear. This includes information about the implementing body, thematic objective, the amount committed to the financial instrument and an external link to further information.
Become a contributor to the fi-compass Country Data Pages
The Country Data Pages have been developed to allow practitioners in different Member States to share their experiences with ESIF financial instruments. Showcasing individual ESIF financial instruments in each country can strengthen the continued and expanded use of ESIF financial instruments. By providing additional resources for the fi-compass Country Data Pages, managing authorities as well as financial intermediaries and other stakeholders can help inspire their peers in other Member States and regions.
If you would like to be a contributor, please use this email address or the following contact form to send us links to relevant articles and video material. The material can refer to financial instruments under all ESI Funds: ERDF, CF, EAFRD, ESF and EMFF. It will be assessed by fi-compass and published in the 'Features' section of the Country Data Page.
An example of a contribution sent in to fi-compass is the news item from the Bank of Valetta’s support for businesses through the SME Initiative in Malta, available at
Call for inspiring stories about your final recipients’ projects
To celebrate the launch of the Country Data Pages, fi-compass is pleased to announce it will be launching a campaign showcasing stories about successful projects in all Member States. Watch out for the announcement in coming weeks and follow the promotional campaign on the social media channels of fi-compass: LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
To enrich the Country Data Pages with illustrative examples, we would like you to send us short stories of successful projects and/or final recipients in your area which have benefitted from support through your ESIF financial instruments in the current programming period. Your story should include information about the Member State and, if applicable, the region, the name of the financial instrument and ESI Fund, the name of the final recipient, the type of support the project received. If pictures are included please include confirmation of consent from the owner of the copyright for fi-compass to use the picture(s).