Action planning for financial instrument life cycles: new fi-compass advisory video

Developing an action plan for ESIF financial instruments

A newly released fi-compass video explains how to successfully plan financial instruments that use the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds. This new video from fi-compass provides a summary of the fi-compass publication entitled 'Developing an Action Plan'. It follows a step-by-step approach along the four main life cycle stages of a financial instrument: design, set-up, implementation, and winding-up.

The 10 minutes-video provides, in a simple way and illustrated by examples and infographics, a comprehensive overview of key issues that need to be tackled when implementing ESI Fund-supported financial instruments. It may be useful for both managing authorities and also financial intermediaries.

Click here to view and share the new fi-compass video about action planning. Other advisory videos from fi-compass can be viewed on the website's video library and these will soon be complemented by additional video advice summarising the main points published in the fi-compass factsheet on financial instrument products.