Stocktaking study on financial instruments by sector - Final report
27 April 2020
This is the final report of the study into five sectors that have the potential for greater use of financial instruments in the future being:
- Renewable Energy (RE);
- Urban Development and Transport (UDT);
- Environment (including air, water and waste);
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure; and
- Research, Development and Innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (RDI in SMEs).
The potential investment opportunities for the 2014-2020 programming period are identified, together with an analysis of where new investment opportunities are expected to arise in the future. The report goes on to consider the scope to expand financial instruments in these sectors in the short and medium-term, including in the 2021-2027 programming period.
This case study forms part of the fi-compass Stocktaking study on financial instruments by sector.
Programming period