ESF+ financial instruments responding to social challenges in Europe

Online event

2 December 2021
About the event


The European Commission – Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) organised the fi-compass online event ‘ESF+ financial instruments responding to social challenges in Europe’ on Thursday 2 December 2021.

The event elaborated on the contribution of financial instruments under the ESF+ to the EU social agenda, with an introduction of the new regulatory framework for financial instruments under the shared management funds (Common Provision Regulation), and for InvestEU. In addition, the event provided updates on the implementation of the fi-compass activities, as well as the state of the art of financial instruments under ESF across the EU, with on-the-ground examples.

Watch the event recording:


pdf presentation      pdf audio      pdf video      pdf case study

The audio in the video files is in original language of the speakers. The English interpretation is available as audio files.

Title Speakers
Opening statement from the European Commission

Ann Branch, Head of Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission


Opening statement from the European Investment Bank

Frank Lee, Head of Financial Instruments Advisory Division, European Investment Bank


ESF financial instruments – State of the art

Andrea Da Pozzo, Policy Officer, Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission


The regulatory framework for financial instruments – The new CPR

Ieva Zalite, Policy Officer, Financial Instruments and International Financial Institutions Relations Unit, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission


fi-compass activities – ESF financial instruments for education and skills

Eugenio Saba, Financial Instruments Advisor, European Investment Bank


InvestEU: Social Investment Skills Window and Member State Compartment

Aron Kerpel-Fronius, Policy Officer, Financial Instruments and International Financial Institutions Relations Unit, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission

Vincent Lagarre, Team Leader, Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

ESF financial instruments on the ground – Case studies: Supporting the Social Economy in Slovakia

Michal Polák, Investment Manager, Slovak Investment Holding

ESF financial instruments on the ground – Case studies Bulgaria: From programming to practice

Natalia Efremova, Deputy Dirеctor General, DG European funds International programs and projects, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria

ESF financial instruments on the ground – Case studies: ESF Financial instruments in Bulgaria

Dimitar Cherkezov, Head of Department, EU Operational Programmes, Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria

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