What's new in fi-compass
Our latest publications, case studies, videos and podcasts
Financial instruments provided real returns in the real economy
Do not miss out on the European Commission Annual Report summarising the progress made in financing and implementing financial instruments supported by European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for 2021. By the end of 2021, financial instruments under ESIF leveraged almost EUR 50 billion in financing, contributing to the policy objectives of the European Union (SMEs competitiveness, low-carbon economy and RDI).

Is your project green?
Discover our new user-friendly Green Eligibility Checker webtool and find out how green your investment project is.
Supporting agricultural start-ups and young farmers – three video stories from France, Romania and Italy
Interested in more videos of agricultural financial instruments? Visit this page to view all the EAFRD video case studies.
‘Jam Sessions’ podcast episode about the EaSI BDS pilot with EIF experts
Financial instruments can be used to support the integration of third-country nationals using resources under the Asylum, Integration and Migration Fund (AMIF), or co-financed with other resources.
Tune in to the first fi-compass podcast episode exploring the potential for financial instruments in this area: Bruno Robino, Head of fi-compass and Cristina Dumitrescu, Senior Investment Manager in the Inclusive Finance Division at the European Investment Fund discuss the EaSI Business Development Services pilot.
Financial instruments in changing times
FI Campus live podcast
Experts from the European Commission and the European Investment Bank join Jacki Davis, moderator at the FI Campus 2023 event, for an informal discussion on financial instruments in changing times.
A discussion with Jonathan Denness, Head of Financial Instruments and International Financial Institutions Relations Unit in the European Commission's DG REGIO, Oana Dordain, Deputy Head of Financial Instruments and International Financial Institutions Relations Unit in the European Commission's DG REGIO, Frank Lee, Head of the Climate and Social Advisory Division at the EIB and Emily Smith, Head of Unit for Climate and Urban at the EIB.
New video case studies:
Slovak Investment Holding
In Slovakia, ERDF financial instruments are helping to mobilise investments in innovation and sustainability. A cable recycling company, a business developing new technologies for waste management, and a start-up working on a revolutionary cure of heart disease, these are just a few examples of the impact ERDF financial instruments have had on the ground in support of Slovakian businesses.