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  1. First handshakes

    Wilhelm Molterer, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank and Walter Deffaa, Director-General Regional and Urban Policy of…

  2. Speakers at their seats

    EC Director-Generals: Jerzy Bogdan Plewa, DG AGRI; Lowri Evans, DG MARE; and Walter Deffaa, DG REGIO, at their seats in the Gasper…

  3. fi-compass resources

    Work Programme 2015

  4. Opening the doors

    Conference preparation has finished. The first guests enter the Charlemagne building.

  5. Networking

  6. Discussion

  7. Discussion

  8. Discussion

  9. Discussion

  10. Discussion

  11. Jane Feehan

    Jane Feehan, European Investment Bank, and other event participants

  12. Room 4C, Centre de Conférence Albert Borschette

  13. Workshop panel chaired by Elisa Roller, European Commission, DG MARE

  14. Presentations

  15. Event participants

    fi-compass information session: Q&A

  16. Event participants


  17. Fiona Wishlade and event participant

    fi-compass information session: Fiona Wishlade, European Policies Research Centre

  18. Event participants

    fi-compass information session: Q&A

  19. Event participants

    fi-compass information session: Q&A

  20. Event participants

    fi-compass information session: Q&A

  21. Event participants

    fi-compass information session: Q&A