Home / Content / 2018
  1. Networking

  2. European Pillar of Social Rights, European Commission

  3. Participants working in groups on brainteasers

  4. Participants working in groups on brainteasers

  5. Participants working in groups on brainteasers

  6. FI-Lab: Brainteaser session – State aid and financial instruments

  7. Ms Barbara Cattrysse

    Ms Barbara Cattrysse, Legal Counsel, European Investment Bank

  8. Mr Ando Siitam

    Mr Ando Siitam, European Investment Bank

  9. FI-Lab: Brainteaser session – State aid and financial instruments

  10. Event participants

  11. Event participants

  12. Event participants

  13. Event participants

  14. Ms Giulia Boioli

    Ms Giulia Boioli, Communication Manager, PerMicro, Italy

  15. Mr Andrea Limone

    Mr Andrea Limone, CEO, PerMicro, Italy

  16. Mr Andrea Da Pozzo

    Mr Andrea Da Pozzo, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

  17. FI-Lab: How much impact do you expect from microfinance?

  18. Mr Dimitar Cherkezov

    Mr Dimitar Cherkezov, Head of Unit, EU Operational Programmes, Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria (FMFIB)

  19. Ms Lilia Stoyanovich

    Ms Lilia Stoyanovich, Managing authority, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria

  20. Mr Gabriele Pazzola

    Mr Gabriele Pazzola, Managing authority of the ESF Regional OP, Sardinia, Italy

  21. Mr Luca Galassi

    Mr Luca Galassi, Managing authority of the ESF Regional OP, Sardinia, Italy