Discover the impact of financial instruments and how they meet the financing needs of businesses around Europe.

Cards for a colourful mind
Thanks to a microloan backed by SIS Credit under the ESF financial instrument, a group of friends created Infinite Games Ltd, a social enterprise active in the field of human rights education.
The perfect fit
Thanks to a EUR 17 895 microfinance loan backed by SIS Credit under the ESF financial instrument, Stelian Radovenski and Lazar Lazarov founded Made Right, a profitable business specialising in the production of quality shirts for men in Pleven, the third largest city in Northern Bulgaria.

Credit Fund Lombardy supports the agri-food chain
Implemented in 2017, the EAFRD Credit Fund Lombardy, a grant combination financial instrument made access to finance easier for agri-food companies while improving primary producers’ integration in the agri-food chain.
A conversation with Rita Cristina De Ponti, Head of the EAFRD Managing Authority at the Directorate General for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests in the Lombardy region and Giovanni Rallo, Managing Director of Finlombarda, Credit Fund implementing body.
Turning adversity into opportunity
Viviana Santana, a 38-year-old Colombian lawyer successfully launched a cleaning business in Seville thanks to the backing of ATHENA, a two-year AMIF-funded project that supports migrant women entrepreneurs to facilitate their social and economic integration in their new homeland.