With the launch of the fi-compass AMIF workstream by European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) and the European Investment Bank in early 2022, a broad range of fi-compass advisory tools are now available to managing authorities of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and other stakeholders considering becoming involved in financial instruments supporting the integration of third-country nationals.
Direct support on financial instruments
Since 2015, fi-compass has delivered targeted coaching sessions to around 50 managing authorities of the shared management funds. This fi-compass support was often a first real step towards the decision to implement a financial instrument. The formula of the fi-compass targeted coaching is very simple.
The coaching is provided to individual managing authorities and/or other involved stakeholders on demand and aims to help build capacity of the team within the recipient authority about financial instruments. The coaching sessions are free of charge to the recipient authority.
The coaching programme can be tailored based on the specific needs of the recipients of the training, which are identified by the fi-compass team beforehand.
The recipients can take advantage of the specific knowledge of the fi-compass coaching team composed of experts from DG HOME and the European Investment Bank (EIB). The coaching takes place in the form of one or more interactive sessions.
The content can include for example presentations, workshops, open discussions and video material. The recipient authorities may also be asked to elaborate small contributions before, in between and after the coaching sessions.
After the targeted coaching, the recipients are free to proceed or not with financial instruments and what would be their next steps.
In order to further facilitate the learning process, simultaneous interpretation into/from the language of the recipient of the coaching can be provided, when needed.
Who is the targeted coaching for?
The main target group for the fi-compass AMIF targeted coaching sessions are the AMIF managing authorities in all EU Member States. But also other authorities and stakeholders considering becoming involved in financial instruments supporting the integration of migrants may become recipients of targeted coaching, if the need for such support is justified and subject to decision of DG HOME.
The targeted coaching is organised for individual authorities. Joined coaching sessions for managing authorities of AMIF and other funds in a Member State / region can be considered in case these authorities would like to explore together the potential of financial instruments supporting the integration of migrants potentially using resources from more than one Fund.
The team participating in the targeted coaching should be relatively small and consist of key persons which would become involved in the practical implementation of the financial instrument in the future.
Within the scope of AMIF, content presented during the targeted coaching can include topics such as:
- What are financial instruments under shared management funds,
- The benefits of financial instruments,
- The principles of financial instrument products (e.g. loans, guarantees, equity/quasi-equity),
- The lifecycle of a financial instrument – from the idea to closure,
- Potential sectors for financial instruments in the area of integration of migrants,
- Examples of financial instruments,
- Brainstorming the ideas for a financial instrument: what would success look like?
Interested? Apply!
In case of interest, AMIF managing authorities and other interested stakeholders can contact by a simple email the responsible DG HOME geographical units and/or info@fi-compass.eu, briefly describing the demand for the fi-compass AMIF targeted coaching.