What's new in fi‑compass
Our latest publications, case studies, videos and podcasts
A podcast series to explain the new CPR
Get ready to plan your 2021-2027 financial instruments!
fi-compass and DG REGIO have the pleasure to announce the release of a new podcast series on the novelties of the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) related to shared management funds financial instruments. The new podcast series is called Calling the Tune. Oana Dordain, Deputy Head of Unit and Ieva Zalité, Policy Officer at the European Commission’s DG REGIO will walk you through the new regulatory framework for financial instruments in the 2021-2027 programming period.
Don’t miss this opportunity to receive hands on advice and useful information tailored to your needs: tune in now!
New factsheet on combination of financial instruments and grants
The new fi-compass factsheet ‘Combination of financial instruments and grants under shared management funds in the 2021-2027 programming period’ provides a comprehensive description of the new rules and how they can be applied by managing authorities, NPBIs and financial intermediaries.
New video on EAFRD Targeted Coaching service
The Targeted Coaching service from fi-compass and DG AGRI was designed to help build capacity about financial instruments for managing authorities of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) programmes. Since its launch, it provided valuable support to numerous managing authorities in the preparation of EAFRD financial instruments.
Building on its success in the 2014-2020 programming period, the Targeted Coaching service will continue to be offered to managing authorities working on the preparation of their new CAP Strategic Plans and interested to know more about the new simplified rules for financial instruments and to learn from the experience of other managing authorities that already engaged with financial instruments in the previous period.
New video on crowdfunding and ESF opportunities
Crowdfunding increasingly represents an alternative and reliable source of finance for SMEs and micro enterprises, as well as a first sounding board for innovative business ideas and for social impact projects.
Often aligned with ESF priorities and target groups, crowdfunding can benefit from financial instruments and improve the conditions of its financing offer.
Survey results point the way
The feedback from the fi-compass survey highlights that the platform continues to meet the needs of practitioners designing and implementing financial instruments.
Combination with grant, investing resources from successive programmes and monitoring, audit and control are some of the topics of most interest for the development and implementation of financial instruments in the future.
New data confirms growth in financial instruments
The European Commission has published its annual report summarising the data on the use of ESIF financial instruments for the period until end December 2019.