Combination of financial instruments and grant and the Selection of financial intermediaries were the topics considered during the fi-compass Knowledge Hub events that took place in 2020.
The notes of the Workshops are now available on the fi-compass website, enabling practitioners to benefit from the experience and best practices shared by participants at the events.
Together with the Knowledge Hub State aid event that took place in 2019, the fi-compass Knowledge Hub is becoming a repository of material to support the design and implementation of financial instruments in the future.
For example, the Selection Knowledge Hub considered the use of selection procedures outside the public procurement framework for guarantee financial instruments. Through sharing this learning and experience, similar approaches were adopted by managing authorities seeking to respond quickly to the COVID-19 crisis.
One example of this approach in action can be found in the mini case study on the Anti-Corona Guarantee implemented in Slovakia by Slovak Investment Holding.
Further Knowledge Hubs are planned for 2021
An event considering the audit and control framework for financial instruments is already underway and further events may be developed for later in the year.