
Royaume de Belgique

Belgium facts & figures

Total active financial instruments (2014-2020) 24 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Total contributions to financial instruments (€ million) 312.22 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Data from before 01.01.2022

Source: Cohesion Policy Open Data Platform

Belgium financial instruments


Thematic objective


Thematic objectives

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Entries are classified as VOID where the relevant thematic objective (TO) is not clearly identified in the submitted data.

Total amount by fund

In focus


PLOUTOS: the transformative impact of education

25 April 2024

Thanks to a business training carried out by microStart in Belgium, in partnership with the European consortium for the PLOUTOS project, funded by AMIF, Marceline Uwineza— a Rwandan national now residing in Brussels with her family—gained confidence in her business project and embarked on a fresh start.

fresh and tasty Syrian and Arabic food at Dilbi, Sally Ghannoum's restaurant

microStart: small loans for big steps in a new homeland

15 December 2022

Sally, a Syrian refugee, was able to open her business in Antwerp and rebuild a life thanks to the support of microStart, Belgium’s leading microfinance institution. Microfinance for vulnerable groups can be combined with targeted coaching and co-financed with EU shared management funds.

Encouraging Investments in Rural Europe

Encouraging investments in rural Europe

9 April 2019

Financial instruments for young farmers, rural infrastructure and other agri-food investments are among some of the hot topics being advanced by Member States and the European Commission through fi